Prospective client: looking for freelance writers who Blablablablablabla
❌ check your inbox
❌ did you get my DM
❌ I might be the right fit
❌ let’s chat
❌ hey bro
❌ hi (no response) hi (no response) hi
❌ check my website
❌ here’s my samples (google doc)
❌ interested
❌ hello dear
✅ Hi I have experience with Blablablablablabla and also (relevant things about you and your experience).
The truth
❌ nobody wants to hire non-native English speakers
❌ I’m not experienced enough yet
❌ I’m not good enough at writing
✅ I can try hiring people to gain that perspective
✅ If I learn how to sell, I can probably sell more
✅ If I make it easier and convenient for someone to connect, hire, and trust me, I’ve done my part to throw my hat in the ring.